Congratulations on your recent sale on Redbubble. You’re well on your way to becoming a true Redbubble all-star!

Just think, an admirer of art in United Kingdom picked your work above millions of others. Good thing you’re not getting paid in just warm and fuzzy feelings, right! This message is just to share the good news and all the nitty gritty details of your recent success.

Thanks for a being a member of the Redbubble community of artists and designers, movers and shakers!

Mr Baxter – Chief Officer of Sending You Good News

This is the first design to be sold on Redbubble shop.

There are over 100 designs to choose from and many products as well. Does not hurt to look.

Hi, if wanting to contact the artist Wayne Sheppard, this is the way to do it or just use the contact page.